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Make the team work well

Giving your team a good place to work and culture will help them do their best.

When to do it

Do this when you first get your team together and keep it under review as the work and people in the team change.

How to do it

You should:

  • give people a single focus and free them from the usual commitments of their day job

  • sit the team together so they can work together closely and rapidly

  • provide digital tools for communication (email, discussion channels), storage and collaboration (shared documents, task management)

  • make sure the experts on the team know the context by helping them to understand the subject matter and stakeholders

  • agree how the team will work together, and with other people, using tools and techniques that suit them and the type of work

  • give your team wall space to analyse, manage and communicate their work

  • make sure that expert temporary contractors share their skills with permanent staff

  • strike the right balance with reporting – if there is lots of certainty in your project, plan the work beforehand and regularly update colleagues to reassure them. If things are less certain work in small, frequent iterations and experiments, and regularly tell your colleagues what you have found out, what your latest plan is and seek strategic guidance

  • get the owner of your work and important stakeholders to attend governance meetings to make sure the team is on track and provide them with strategic guidance

Try this activity

This activity will help your team get to know each other. It will give your delivery team understanding about how everyone likes to work.

Time, space and materials

  • 20 minutes

  • at your desk

  • share a template for this activity

People to include

  • your team

  • any number of people

  • this is an individual activity


  1. Ask each person in the team to create a ‘manual’ about themselves using the template.

  2. Display the manuals on the wall.

  3. Put a photo of each person next to their manual.


  • do this activity at the start of your project to help the team get to know each other

  • use the manuals to start a discussion about team ways of working

Further reading

Find out more about this topic by searching the internet for:

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