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your problem

These activities will help you to pinpoint the intent of your work.  They will help you map what is known about the problem space and give you a plan to find out what you don't know.

Understand what has inspired your work

Know who has commissioned or inspired your work and understand what they care about.

Examine your problem

Clarify what you know and do not know about a problem so you can begin to tackle it.

Build on existing evidence

Map existing evidence and know where there is no evidence.

Identify your assumptions

Know where your assumptions lie and move them from being theories to being evidenced.

Identify users and stakeholders

Identify the people who will directly use your service or policy and who is interested in it.

See the context

Understand the context of your problem so you can find the best solution and know where best to focus your early work.

Decide who will respond to the problem

Identify who will have most impact on your service or policy users.

Shape your delivery network

Understand the network of people that already have a role in delivering your service or policy and who else might be useful.

Understand a user’s journey

Know the people that will use your policy or service by understanding the steps that they take in day-to-day life.

Understand user motivation and experience

Understand how someone feels about your policy or service.

Manage the risk of hazards

Be aware of hazards, their potential impact and have a plan for how to manage the risk.

Find out more about users

Plan how to get helpful insight about the users of your policy or service.

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